We help executives build their networks and land new opportunities

  • Job search methods have changed. As you’ve advanced in your career traditional search strategies are no longer effective. Over 90% of executive jobs aren’t posted online and are obtained through networking.

  • As a busy executive, you don’t have the time or bandwidth to craft content, or send hundreds of messages. Our expertly timed sequences keep you top of mind for your prospects without the hassle of having to do all of the work yourself.

  • We strategically identify influential decision-makers, such as board members, CEOs, presidents, and PE/VC directors and partners, and our system connects you directly with these individuals who hold the key to your next opportunity.

  • Our targeted outreach lists, engaging subject lines, compelling messages, and drip campaigns combine to get you remarkable response rates and the opportunity to profile yourself and land a new role.

Our Process

Resume Redraft

Talking about yourself can be hard. We take the pressure off and tell a story with your resume about the success you’ve had, and the type of leader you are, packaged in a sleek modern format.

LinkedIn Optimization

We ensure your public brand is attractive to potential employers and connections and appropriately highlights the impact you’ve made throughout your career.

Custom Outreach Lists

We curate a custom list of firms aligned with your industry and career goals. We’ll leverage our 81,000+ person database and target the most relevant decision-makers for maximum impact.

Expertly Crafted Messages

We leverage our cutting-edge technology and expertise to craft personalized outreach messages that generate remarkable engagement from high-level executives.

Automated Outreach

Every month, our system automatically sends out hundreds of messages from your LinkedIn and dedicated email account. You simply need to respond to meeting requests as they come in.

Ongoing Support

We’ll have regular check-ins to support you in your search. We are here to help you through the ups and downs of your search and provide guidance for follow-up strategies, interviewing, and negotiations.

What Our Clients Are Saying